Is White Wine Good for You? | Learn More (2024)

Is White Wine Good for You? | Learn More (1)

When it comes to healthier wine choices, reds tend to get all the hype. But does white wine have any health benefits as well? We know that red wine is packed with antioxidants, helps regulate blood sugar, reduces bad cholesterol and can boost cognitive function. Still, you may be wondering if whites can have similar or different health effects on the body.

Is a glass of white wine good for you? We aim to answer this question in this complete guide to white wine and its potential health benefits. We explore the different vitamins, minerals and other compounds that make up white wine and the positive health effects that help explain why white wine is good for you. We also cover the recommended amounts of white wine to consume and specific varieties that tend to be better for your health.

Additionally, we compare white wine’s benefits to those of red wines, discuss the importance of choosing dry wines over sweet wines and provide some tips on shopping for these wines. Let’s get started!

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Is White Wine Really Good for You?

While alcohol likely isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when you think of healthy foods and beverages, a glass of white wine can be a surprisingly healthy drink option.

So, why is white wine good for you? It’sfull of antioxidantsthat can help reduce stress hormones and promote feelings of well-being, among many other things. This section looks at some healthy compounds found in white wine.

Is White Wine Good for You? | Learn More (2)

1. Antioxidants

Is white wine heart healthy? If you’re looking to boost heart strength, a glass of white wine may be able to do just that. The antioxidants in white wine can helpprotect your heart and lungs, maintain blood sugar, prevent aging, fight off colds and improve brain function. Antioxidant properties may help lower the risk of multiple diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

2. Flavonoids

White wine contains flavonoids, also known as vitamin P. Flavonoids are commonly found in different vegetables, fruits, tea, cocoa, red and white wines. This chemical is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that helpregulate cellular activity. Like antioxidants, flavonoids can also help fight oxidative stress.

3. Polyphenols

Polyphenols are naturally-occurring micronutrients found in plants. These powerful antioxidants can help reverse cell damage caused by aging, lower your cholesterol and risk of diabetes and improve overall heart health. Theirantioxidant and anti-inflammatory effectsmay even reduce your risk of cancer by destroying active cancer cells and blocking tumor growth.

Is White Wine Good for You? | Learn More (3)

4. Caffeic Acid

White wine contains caffeic acid, a phenol withantioxidant and anti-inflammatoryproperties that can help reduce oxidative stress. Caffeic acid may help prevent the development of kidney and cardiovascular diseases. It’s also known to boost collagen production and help prevent premature aging.

5. Essential Vitamins and Minerals

White winecontainsvitamins and mineralsthat are essential for daily nutrition. It includes small doses of magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin B2, niacin and riboflavin. It also contains traces of iron, potassium, calcium, zinc and phosphorus. In the following sections, we explore the health benefits of some of these vitamins and minerals more in detail.

6. Magnesium

This mineral in white wine plays a pivotal role in maintainingheart health and strength. It can also lower blood sugar and blood pressure, improve muscle and nerve function and boost your mood. Additionally, it can help strengthen your bones.

7. Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, is required totransport oxygen through yourbloodstream, develop the brain and maintain strong immune and nervous systems. It also improves blood circulation and your overall mood.

Is White Wine Good for You? | Learn More (4)

8. Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, can helpbreak down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It also plays a pivotal role in supplying energy to your body, making it an essential vitamin found in white wine.

9. Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3, or niacin,may help lower cholesterol, relieve arthritis symptoms, improve skin health, boost brain function and more. However, it’s important to avoid consuming large doses at a time, as this can cause side effects such as vomiting, nausea and liver toxicity.

10. Iron

White wine is a good source of iron, an essential mineral forbody growth and development. Iron is necessary to produce a protein called hemoglobin that carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of the body and myoglobin, which supplies oxygen to your muscles.

11. Calcium

Though calcium is more commonly linked to milk, it’s also present in white wine. This mineral is vital formaintaining strong and healthy bones, and it aids muscle movement by allowing nerves to carry messages between your brain and other parts of your body. Calcium also helps regulate blood flow through your vessels.

Is White Wine Good for You? | Learn More (5)

12. Potassium

Potassium is commonly associated with foods such as bananas, potatoes, avocado, spinach and squash — but you may be surprised to know that it’s also in white wine.Potassium is atype of electrolytethat improves nerve and muscle function, regulates heartbeat and transports nutrients to cells. It also helps filter waste products out of cells.

13. Phosphorus

Your body uses phosphorus tokeep bones and teeth strong and healthy. This essential mineral also repairs damaged tissues, removes waste from the kidneys, makes DNA and RNA and helps your muscles contract.

14. Zinc

Finally, white wine contains zinc, an essential nutrient for improving yourimmune system and metabolism function. Additionally, it’s known to speed up wound recovery and help treat chronic acne. However, it’s important to avoid it in large doses as this can cause indigestion, headaches and nausea.

What Are the Health Benefits of Drinking White Wine?

Drinking white wine can be healthy and good for you. In this section, we look at some interesting white wine health benefits. After reading this list, you may feel more comfortable when sipping your next glass of Riesling, Pinot Grigio or Chardonnay.

Is White Wine Good for You? | Learn More (6)

Here are seven health benefits of white wine:

  1. Improves cardiovascular and metabolic function:White wine is full of antioxidants, polyphenols, potassium and magnesium that collectively protect and maintain heart health. Additionally, minerals in white wine, such as zinc, can boost metabolic function.
  2. Bolsters lung function:Flavonoids found in white wine can reduce inflammation of the airways, which helps protect your lungs.
  3. Reduces the risk of kidney disease:White wine contains caffeic acid that may help prevent the progression of kidney diseases and other conditions. Its phosphorus content also helps protect the kidneys by filtering out waste.
  4. Protects against cognitive decline:White wine is rich in antioxidants, which are known to help preventcognitive impairmentthat often comes with aging.
  5. Supports healthy cholesterol levels:Research has shown that both red and white winelowered “bad” LDL cholesterol levelsin multiple study participants.
  6. Supports weight-loss efforts:White wine can potentially aid in weight loss due to minerals like zinc that improve metabolic function.
  7. Helps prevent other diseases:In addition to helping reduce the risk of kidney and cardiovascular diseases, white wine may alsoprotect against Alzheimer’s disease.

What Amount of White Wine Is Good for You?

White wine can be healthy for you as long as you consume it in small amounts. To achieve these potential health benefits from white wine while consuming it in moderation, theAmerican Heart Associationand federal guidelines recommend no more than one or two drinks each day for men and one drink each day for women.

Cooking with white wine may also be a good option for reaping these health benefits. Using wine in cooking can bring out the flavors of various foods and achieve healthy antioxidant-rich dishes. Here are some helpful tips forcooking with wine:

  • Choose your wine carefully — only cook with wines you enjoy drinking.
  • Use your wine to marinate meats such as steak, chicken and fish.
  • Don’t add the wine to your dish right before serving — allow it to cook along with the food to enhance the savory flavors.
  • Determine how much wine you add based on the amount and density of the food — with soup, for instance, add 2 tablespoons of wine per 1 cup of broth.

Types of White Wine That Are Good for You

If you’re trying to lose weight or simply want to make your diet healthier, you can select both red and white wine varieties that tend to offer more health benefits than others. This section covers tips for choosing healthy white wines and some specific white wine varieties that tend to be healthier options.

Is White Wine Good for You? | Learn More (7)

Though you should consume any type of wine in moderation, certain dry varieties with less sugar and alcohol tend to be better for your health. When choosing a healthy wine, you want to consider three main factors:

  1. Low alcohol percentage:Drinking too much alcohol can haveseveralnegative effectson the body, especially on your brain, heart, liver and pancreas.To consume it in moderation, choose a wine with a lower content of alcohol by volume (ABV).We recommend selecting a wine that does not exceed an ABV of 12.5%.
  2. High resveratrol concentration:Resveratrol is a plant compound thatacts as an antioxidant— it can help lower blood pressure, protect your brain and relieve joint pain. When seeking healthier wine, try picking one with a higher resveratrol concentration.
  3. Low sugar content:Try to select a wine that contains less sugar, ideally less than 10 grams per liter. Dry white wines such as Chardonnay and Riesling tend to have lower sugar content, making them relatively healthier varieties.

What white wine is good for you? To answer this question, let’s take a look at some white wine varieties that tend to be healthier drink choices:

  • Riesling:Grapes used to produceRieslinghave skins that are rich in antioxidants. As mentioned earlier, these may help fight off certain chronic diseases. Consider choosing a drier Riesling over a sweet one to lower your sugar intake.
  • Pinot Grigio:A glass of crispPinot Grigiomay be your ideal choice of wine to improve lung health and even protect cells from certain cancers. It’s rich in caffeic acid and tyrosol that act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.
  • Vinho Verde:Vinho Verdetypically contains a lower ABV and sugar concentration, making it a healthier option.
  • Chardonnay:Chardonnayprovides a buttery and rich flavor and can help increase blood flow, improve bone density, boost good HDL cholesterol and prevent clotting. This potentially reduces the risk of a stroke or heart disease as well.
  • Viognier:Though it tends to be a less common grape variety,Viognieris a great white wine option with lower sugar content.

Is Red or White Wine Better For You?

You may know thatcertain red winestend to be better for you than others, offering more health benefits compared to other varieties. Can white wine match these red wine benefits? Is one healthier than the other?

This section compareswhite and red winein detail, exploring their health benefits and how your body can react to them differently.

Health Effects of Red Wine

Red white contains many of the same compounds as white wine — antioxidants, flavonoids, polyphenols and more. Therefore, these can offer many of the same or similar health benefits.

Here are some of the main health benefits that red wine offers:

  • Lowers disease risk:Due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, red wine may help prevent the risk of certain diseases, particularly heart disease.
  • Increases “good” HDL cholesterol:Consuming red wine may help boost your HDL cholesterol level. This can help rid your bloodstream of LDL cholesterol, reducing the risk of cardiovascular events and diseases.
  • Helps prevent cognitive decline:Like white wine, red wine is packed with antioxidants which may help prevent cognitive impairment that slows down the brain.
  • Contains resveratrol:Red wine is typically rich in resveratrol, which boosts the wine’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties even more.

Health Effects of White Wine

Next, here’s a recap of the main benefits of white wine for health:

  • May aid in weight loss:White wine contains antioxidants such as resveratrol, quercetin and epicatechin that can help promote weight loss. You can reap these potential weight loss benefits by consuming white wine in moderation — no more than one or two glasses per day.
  • Prevents risk for diseases:As mentioned earlier, the antioxidants and flavonoids in white wine may help lower your risk of contracting Alzheimer’s disease and certain cancers.
  • Protects your heart:White wine’s antioxidant, polyphenol, magnesium and potassium content can help maintain cardiovascular health and strength, regulating blood sugar and circulation.
  • Promotes healthy lungs:Finally, white wine contains iron and antioxidants that can help protect and strengthen your lungs.
Is White Wine Good for You? | Learn More (8)

While both red and white wine offer an array of potential health benefits for your body, red wine is generally viewed as the healthier option of the two. This is mainly because grape skins are included when fermenting red wine, and white wine does not use grape skins during the fermenting process. And while reds and whites have many of the same vitamins and minerals, red wine typically contains higher amounts of these elements due to the included grape skins.

However, you should always consume any type of wine in moderation. Drinking red or white wine should not be considered a method to improve health. Remember to keep your wine intake to one or two glasses per day to limit alcohol, sugar and calorie consumption.

Sticking With Dry White Wines Over Sweet White Wines

Certain factors that distinguish dry wines from sweet wines may also influence their health effects on the body. Let’s take a look at three of these factors:

  1. Fermentation time:The amount of time used to ferment the grape juice can often determine its level of dryness or sweetness. When making dry wine, the fermentation process is longer. For sweet wines, fermentation is shorter.
  2. Residual sugar:Residual sugar is the sugar left in wine after fermentation. The more residual sugar and added sugar, the sweeter it tastes. More than 35 grams is generally considered a sweet wine. Dry wines contain lower amounts of sugar, usually below 10 grams. The level between these two is known as “off-dry.”
  3. Calories:The number of calories also differentiates dry and sweet wines since more sugar means more calories. While a glass of dry wine contains about 75 calories, a glass of sweet wine has about 125.

Overall, dry white wines tend to be healthier than sweet whites due to their lower sugar and calorie content. For this reason, we recommend selecting drier varieties if you’re seeking healthier wine options. Consuming too much sugar can lead tonegative health effects, such as increased blood pressure, inflammation, diabetes, weight gain and liver disease.

Is White Wine Good for You? | Learn More (9)

Simply drinking a sweet wine isn’t enough to cause these problems, but it’s still something to consider when choosing between a dry and sweet variety.Dry white winehealth benefits tend to surpass those of sweet wines.

Where to Find Healthy White Wine

When seeking healthy and quality white wine choices, you may find it rewarding to try out new varieties, brands and companies. You could discover a new favorite wine that you didn’t even know existed.

You don’t have to turn to large, recognized brand names and corporations to find excellent wines. Step out of your comfort zone and try some unfamiliar brands and companies — you might find just the wine you’ve been looking for!

Here are three tips to keep in mind when shopping for healthy white wines:

  1. Be adventurous:You may find that turning to new names and brands is the best choice. Because many smaller vineyards don’t have mass production facilities, they often use their own special fermentation practices to make their wines extra delicious and unique. Give these wines a try!
  2. Buy from smaller wineries and brands:Because large alcohol corporations have more funding, it’s typically easier for them to sell wines. By shopping for a smaller brand, you can support an individual winemaker or family-owned business with a passion for making excellent wine and spirits.
  3. Consult a wine expert:If you need help shopping for wine varieties, aren’t sure where to begin or simply have questions regarding different types of wines, reach out to experts who can answer these questions.

Browse White Wine Options at Marketview Liquor

Now that you’ve learned about the many potential health benefits of drinking white wine, it’s time to search for your ideal white varieties and brands! At Marketview Liquor, our unique white wine choices satisfy any preferred taste or sweetness level.

Whether you’re looking for a rich Chardonnay, a light and crisp Sauvignon Blanc or a sweet and elegant Moscato, we’ve got it all.Browse our selection of white winesand order yours today!

Is White Wine Good for You? | Learn More (10)
Is White Wine Good for You? | Learn More (2024)


Are there any benefits of drinking white wine? ›

The antioxidants in white wine can help protect your heart and lungs, maintain blood sugar, prevent aging, fight off colds and improve brain function. Antioxidant properties may help lower the risk of multiple diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

What does white wine do to your brain? ›

But only for a short time! Indeed white wine before going to bed ca have some unpleasant effects. We must no forget that alcohol is a stimulant: sugar contained in the white wine can have some impact on your brain functions, like caffeine does.

What is the healthiest white wine to drink? ›

If you can't live without white wine, consider a Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay, or Viognier, as they are among the healthiest white wines with just under two grams of sugar per liter.

Is white wine good for you in moderation? ›

Moderate wine consumption has also been linked to a reduced risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. The Resveratrol in red wine can help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation in the body. White wine also contains polyphenols, which are plant compounds that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Is it OK to drink a bottle of white wine every night? ›

To maintain good health, it is advised to limit alcohol intake to moderate levels and avoid consuming a bottle of wine a day. Moderation and responsible consumption are key to minimizing the risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption and promoting overall well-being.

How much white wine should you drink a day? ›

They define moderation as up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men [5]. However, higher levels of consumption increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation, and stroke [6].

What happens to your body if you drink wine everyday? ›

"What is certain about wine and other types of alcohol is that drinking beyond moderation has clear impacts on a person's health," warns Dr. Septimus. "Regularly drinking more wine than recommended increases a person's risk of developing cancer, liver disease, chronic pancreatitis, sleep disorders and more."

What does white wine do to your liver? ›

With the consumption of wine, just like any other alcoholic beverage, the alcohol grabs the spotlight from every other macronutrient in the queue. Since the body cannot store alcohol, it must metabolize it at once. When large amounts of ethanol hit the liver, it damages the liver cells.

What does too much white wine do to your body? ›

When taken by mouth: Wine is likely safe for most adults when used in moderation (about two 5-ounce glasses daily). But drinking more than this is possibly unsafe. Larger amounts can cause blackouts, drowsiness, trouble walking, vomiting, and other serious problems.

What wine is best for losing belly fat? ›

If your goal is to lose weight, the best wine to enjoy will be a lower calorie, lower carb wine that will have a minimal impact on your daily nutrition. The best wine for weight loss is dry wine like Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, and Merlot or a dry sparkling white wine.

Is white wine full of sugar? ›

Generally speaking, red wine has the lowest sugar content, with an average of around 0.9g per serving. White wines will usually have around 1.4g of sugar per serving, although this varies by type. Given its sweet nature, it will come as no surprise to learn that a glass of rose could include a huge 21g to 72g of sugar.

What brand of wine is the healthiest? ›

The healthiest wines to try in 2023 are:
  • Pinot Noir. Pinot Noir is the healthiest red wine with a high resveratrol level. ...
  • Malbec. Malbec grapes are thick-skinned and packed with antioxidants like resveratrol and quercetin. ...
  • Cabernet Sauvignon. ...
  • Merlot. ...
  • Petite Sirah. ...
  • Barbera. ...
  • Chardonnay. ...
  • Pinot Grigio.

Is 2 glasses of white wine a day too much? ›

Experts say a a good maximum amount of wine for women would be a 5 oz glass of wine, and for men two 5 oz glasses of wine, no more than several times a week. Experts strongly advise women against having more than 3 drinks of wine per day, and for men, 4 drinks of wine per day.

Is white wine good for belly fat? ›

White wine is sugar, and unless you need it as instant energy, your body will store sugar as fat — along with whatever else you are eating with it. The pounds inevitably creep on, usually through the belly and butt area. “

Is white wine good for gut health? ›

This is due to its high levels of antioxidants called polyphenols, which have been linked to better heart and gut health. White wine, beer, and even spirits may also have some benefits, but their lower polyphenol content means these benefits are less than in red wine.

Why is white wine good for your lungs? ›

Because white wine contains higher levels of flavonoids, a group of plant substances known for their antioxidant activity, researchers believe that white wine soaks up the toxins in the blood, like a “mop and glo” for the thorax, reducing inflammation of the airwaves in the process. This helps protect the lungs.

Is white wine healthier than liquor? ›

Wine, which clocks in at 120 to 130 calories per 5-ounce pour, is a slightly better option for your waistline. Spirits, which are around 100 calories per 1.5 ounces, appear to be the smartest option—unless you're shaking them up with various sugar-packed co*cktail ingredients.


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